The Post Trauma Stress Dis-order / Dis-ease ( PTSD ) module includes 7 separate modules with over 77 unique tasks & processes, listed below:
- Disconnection from the Fear Matrix
( M+ Module ) - Earth Love Grid Repair
( M+ Module ) - Earth Recycling Grid Repair
( M+ Module )
- G+ Resistance to Changes toward Higher Evolution
( M+ Module ) - G+ Inability to Accept Love
( M+ Module ) - G+ Inability to Express Power in a Creative Way
( M+ Module ) - G+ Victimhood and the Inability to Experience Joy & Happiness
( M+ Module )
- Download, install, activate and harmonize all modules included in this module that the person receiving this PTSD module needs—when appropriate, if they do not already have all of them.
- Track, Neutralize, Release, dissolve, Remove, and Delete all Memory Crystals, Traumas, Tension Stress …
- Track, Neutralize, Release, dissolve, Remove, and Send Home all Entities and Thought-forms – which are connected to the Memory Crystals, Traumas, Tension/Stress …
- Permanently close all Time Portals that have been established by/ connected to thought-forms, Entities, and Equipment in connection to each specific memory crystal …
- Correct, Clear, and bring back to Neutral all negative influences from any and all
multiple selves and other Life-forms…< - Cleanse and repair all damage to all Chakras in all Bodies from all Memory Crystals, Traumas, and Tension and Stress
- Repair all DNA, and Blueprints in all Bodies and Inner Childs which are connected to,
which create, maintain, perpetuate, and/ or replicate all Memory Crystals, Traumas, and tension and Stress… - Repair all damage… to all Bodies and Inner Childs and their meridians, axiatonal Lines, and grid connections caused by Memory Crystals, Traumas, and tension and Stress…
- Repair all Auric bleeding due to Auric mal- circuitry caused by any self induced conditions…
- Cleanse and repair all damage to all Bodies from all Memory Crystals, Traumas, and Tension and Stress…
- After the initial download, installation, and activation: Automatically activate and run this module from step#3 onward with access to the Highest Arcturian and White Brotherhood / Sisterhood of Light Medical-Healing/ Geometry/Grids Techies teams for implementation and support of the tasks of this module when new traumas, memory crystals, and extreme tension and stress are created /experienced.
- Automatically updates this Module as changes to it are made with access to the
Highest Arcturian and White Brotherhood Medical-Healing/ Geometry/Grids Techies
teams for implementation and support of the tasks of this module, and automatically update any template of any of the modules which are included in this PTSD Module, as changes to their template are made. - Automatically harmonize all other/ future modules, at their installation, to this and all other modules in any of the Bodies to prevent overlapping and conflict of tasks.
- And so much more……!!!
The PTSD Module runs automatically as programmed and can also be activated at any time to run through its lists of tasks again whenever desired.
It is recommended that when you experience a PTSD symptom or the onset of an episode, or immediately after experience a traumatic event to ask your Higher self & Body to activate the PTSD module immediately instead of waiting for the Module to automatically activate as there may be a time lag for an event to register and for the module to activate.
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I highly recommend that every one get this module, and not just for those who are officially diagnosed as having “PTSD”, as we all carry traumas, memories, and experiences, tension/ Stress which (still) keep us from moving on, keeps us from getting healthy…
Getting the PTSD Module will not keep you from experiencing traumas, building tension/stress, fear, etc… but it will help clear the past so that you can be fully in the Present.
The PTSD Module is offered at a great Value of $222.-
The PTSD Module contains 7 separate modules that costs $40.-/each if ordered separately – a total value of $280.-!
That is already a savings of $58.- without the PTSD components!
Armed Forces Veterans will be able to receive the PTSD Module for
1/2 price at $111.- (Anytime) in recognition of their sacrifices and service.
And for those who feel that the PTSD Module is needed in their lives, but feel that they cannot afford it, please email me and we can work out a payment plan.
As always, please check with your guidance and see if this Module will help you on your path!
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The opinions and conclusions expressed are mine, and unless expressed otherwise, mine alone. The opinions expressed herein are based on my research and on specific case studies involving my clients. Be advised that every person is unique and may respond differently to the therapy described. The therapy outlined here is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for other forms of conventional medical treatment.
Please feel free to consult with your physician or other health care provider.
The statements in this web site have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This web site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. People should consult with their physician or other health care provider.