Tools for the Next Step on the Ascension Path
A site dedicated to the teachings of The Great White Brotherhood of Light (and Sisterhood), the Ascended Masters and all of Li Lan’s many higher dimensional guides & angels.
— as realized by Li Lan Chan El-Lah-Rah
If you are new to starorchid.net, the easiest way to take your first steps with us is to listen to Li Lan’s radio interview about her work—and her many years of service.

Abilities & Focus
Li Lan Chan El-Lah-Rah is a teacher, healer and representative of The Great White Brotherhood of Light in conjunction with the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Earth and the Ascended Masters. She is also of the Office of the Christ and of the Office of the Mother of the Universe and of the World.
She is the physical aspect of the Eloha El-Lah-Rah (Eloha being the singular of Elohim). and a minister in the Universal Life Church.
Li Lan has been trained intensively since 1993 for her Connections: Energy work for individuals.
What Her Clients Say
Love & thanks to my spiritual family & the many friends who have offered encouragement and support through the years. Thanks and gratitude to all my teachers and guides … on all levels & dimensions!