Pascual Jordan, Mathematical Physicist and a primary founder of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics”]Observations not only disturb what is to be measured, they produce it.
What is the Matrix?
According to modern physicists, all reality can be described as vibrations and waveform patterns—that everything is energy and information. Biological information fields form an active, constantly resonating matrix. This matrix and its interconnections provide for a continuum for rapid, coherent intercommunication throughout the body.
John Wheeler, Theoretical Physicist and developer of the theory of nuclear fission”]There is no ‘out there’ out there.
Matrix Plus (M+)
Matrix Plus ( M+ ) is a synthesis of the MSST technology combined with techniques and methods from Matrix Energetics and other systems of transformational healing at the quantum level, which Li Lan has evolved further with her quantum angels and other White Brotherhood / Sisterhood of Light guides and teams.
M+ | creates and transforms reality at the quantum level. |
M+ | is incredibly powerful and can produce seemingly miraculous results, sometimes manifesting instantly! |
M+ | is for all aspects of life. It has practical applications for everyday life as well as for those deep-seated issues and themes in your life. |
M+ | is excellent for physical issues, whether chronic or acute. |
M+ | is difficult to describe but incredible to experience! |
Matrix Plus (M+) Sessions
In a M+ session, we first connect to you, your Higher-Self, the M+ team, guides and quantum angels.
Through conversation as to what it is you desire to deal with, we then apply the M+ techniques to create a state by which the waveform can collapse and you enter into a non-consensus reality in which the product of your imagined / desired outcome can encode and imprint on your consciousness in a way that observable changes and transformation can materialize.
Next, through feedback, we / you notice / observe what has changed or shifted.
The M+ session ends when we feel complete.
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
— Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist and developer of the special and general theories of relativity
The opinions and conclusions expressed are mine, and unless expressed otherwise, mine alone. The opinions expressed herein are based on my research and on specific case studies involving my clients. Be advised that every person is unique and may respond differently to the therapy described. The therapy outlined here is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for other forms of conventional medical treatment.Please feel free to consult with your physician or other health care provider.
The statements in this website have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. People should consult with their physician or other health care provider.