Good evening dear ones,
We are much pleased to see you all gathered here after the holidays. I am that being that you call Mother Mary. I wish you to feel my energies. Breathe me in through your heart. Feel your heart expand, filling all your cells with the energy, frequency of the Divine Mother replenishing you. I know that times have been exhausting for you all, for the energies have been shifting quite rapidly and the bodies have been having a hard time catching up. Feel my presence surrounding you as enfold each of you in my mantle.
We the Divine Mothers wish you to know, that our presence is growing stronger on this planet ,with every day the energies are becoming finer, purer, and lighter, even though your bodies may not feel this at this time.
We are constantly bathing you with our love and our energies to bring you healing, the balsam to your souls that is so much needed at this time. Do you not feel the quickening in your hearts when you feel our energies? We would quicken you even more but your bodies would not (be able to) handle it, so we do all we can and we are supporting you as a mother does her child.
We would speak tonight on Luck, and yes, we are picking up on the theme that Li Lan and Hank were discussing earlier. For it does seem to us important for everyone to know that Luck like Power, is a tangible force.
That it is something that is an innate quality of your being whether you have called it to you, whether you have acknowledged it, whether you have claimed it or not. And yes, Luck has much to do with allowance; whether you allow Luck into your life, whether you feel worthy of Love and Luck in your life. For Luck is that energetic part of yourself that is an expression, a physical expression of Grace in your life.
When you think of Grace, you think of Divine Dispensation that flows from above to you- the unworthy one, though that is not true. Grace, when Grace is poured upon you, when you receive that Dispensation of Grace, when you accept that Grace into your life, it manifest itself as Luck and Synchronicity.
And Grace as with Luck, can be given and it can be accepted.
Those who do not accept Grace into their life generally also say that they have no Luck. But it is mostly because they have not accepted Grace into their life. Then the manifestation of Grace as Luck into their life is then blocked. I want you to ask now- Call upon Grace to fill you, that you be filled with Grace and I ask you to feel the energy of Grace as it enters your bodies. Open yourself up to accepting Grace into your life and feel how Grace is transformed in your cells, how the energy of Grace shifts within your cells.
The more you are accepting and allowing of Grace in your life, in your body, the more the energy of Grace shifts in your cells into a tangible energy, so that all that you touch, and here is where it becomes, where Grace becomes physical, is through your touch. That your touch brings Luck, is then the physical manifestation of Grace.
But when that acceptance is blocked, then that Luck turns into Lack. There is an actual physical energetic interaction within your physical cells, in your bodies that shifts the energy of Grace into Luck or Lack. And the Mechanism that controls that is Self Love.
When there is enough love of Self, then there is nothing missing that needs to be filled from the outside. So we ask you to fill your bodies with Love, Divine Unconditional Love which is all around you. It is the building block of the Universe, the Source of all that is. Draw it in through each of your Chakras. With every breath that you take, fill your bodies with this divine unconditional love so that your bodies may feel love, so that your emotional bodies, your mental bodies, and your spiritual bodies may feel loved, may be filled with love. And as Grace enters your bodies and finds Love there, so it changes then into Luck.
But the Love that you fill your bodies with, must be that Divine Unconditional Love, that self less love, that un-judgemental love, with no strings attached, for that gives the energies of Grace the freedom to manifest itself in your life in ways that may seem miraculous.
So fill your bodies now please, ask to be filled with Divine Unconditional Love. Open yourself up to fill every cell, every molecule, every atom, every electron, every micron of space and particle of matter that is your physical body, that is your emotional body, that is your mental body, that is your spiritual body, now with Divine Unconditional Love until you are so saturated, that you begin to radiate that out in all directions. And when you have done that, then call upon Grace, ask to be filled with Grace, the energies of Grace, and feel how Grace interacts with Divine Unconditional Love in your cells. Feel the transformation of that Grace, that energy of Grace into the energy of Luck, so that you are radiating Love and Luck from your bodies to smooth your way in life.
So feel how your body now feels.
We hope that you are all feeling Lucky now.