Alchemy in Consciousness- Ascended Master Saint Germain – Channeler: Aruna Byers
What I am calling for now is some new additions to my class of alchemy—changing non-aligned consciousness into caring, compassionate actions. What is being demonstrated in your media carries no caring, and those who do care are not making news. News can add more caring, so lets alter this situation. News can draw more interest in the non-caring, calling on them to act. Can we do something about this together?
Consider caring in action to be the next wave of dream aliveness. Self-care, as in diet and maintenance of health for all, can be the drama we use to increase the level of caring, rather than acting against existing collective attitudes. Care with action. Give the leadership that is needed for many to begin doing caring acts of kindness. Create groups who care, Stamp yourself as one who does not hesitate to give. Straight talk and actions get attention. It pushes the dreamers of answers to take their light to the leaders of their own countries. In all countries, act as though all life matters. Have “caring campaigns” instead of “against campaigns.”
How can this be done? Collect goods and money for those in need. Attend all group activities with an open heart. Make yourself heard. Stamp yourself a carer, and act as one. The message of caring can be given to the world with networking methods. Clever memes about dancing in the light can become a means of saying things that need to be acted upon.
Instead of encouraging lack thoughts, challenge those who are complaining with your happiness and personal contact. Instead of wondering how to act with those who are unhappy, act with aliveness. Give your attention to activities that make a difference. Work with groups that care.
Self-awareness about anger and greed in your own make-up must be drawn to the mind and openly diminished. Attacks on anyone must cease. Cancel all the dross that remains in you. Continue to let go of negative attitudes about others. Settle the war in your mind vs. heart drama that controls inertia. Straighten up your own way of being and make a more direct commitment to love than only contacting those you are comfortable with. Go out of your comfort zone to those needing more caring. Open hearts don’t choose with their mind about who needs assistance, they don’t need to ask.
Self-awareness about giving and caring, and dramas that lead to not doing anything that is caring can be altered in an instant. Giving money does not demonstrate an open heart, it does assist, but humans need contact and conversation more than money. Learn to listen. Center your own life around giving attention and not only choosing monetary ways to care. Spend time with those needing a caring attitude while they are in misery.
Open up to your own caring ways and participate in group activities to act them out. Selfless service is one of the qualifications for chelas to ascend. Caring is one area that is still needing attention. Ask how you can serve and act on the answers that come to you.
Change the world with caring. Call on those who need caring and make them your colleagues in doing great things. Their acts of giving to themselves and others can turn their lives around. Caring, rather than grieving for what does not exist, is how they can alter the condition of their lives.
Sacrifice is not the answer. Give because the love of Oneness is the motivator. Masks are being worn by those needing caring. Care for them as much as those who are shackled and unable to make a good living. Self love is nurturance in a different context.
Ponder this: Choice of circumstance came with the soul contract. No one has to do only what their contract includes, it is only a code that moves you in one direction or another. Freedom is making a difference way beyond what a contract includes. This is not necessary, but is what walks you into divine awareness. Completing your soul contract is only the minimal bottom line. Choose to do more if you want to ascend. I Am That I Am needs all of you in the role of a caring colleague. The “one heart condition” dissolves dross and accelerates your ability to make caring decisions. Welcome to our new way to Oneness in the collective consciousness. Now is the time to act!
Ascended Master Saint Germain
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