A site dedicated to the teachings of The Great White Brotherhood of Light (and Sisterhood), the Ascended Masters and all of Li Lan’s many higher dimensional guides & angels.
Acknowledgment goes out to all the wonderful websites that have allowed me to copy their beautiful artwork, pictures and animated GIFs. If you find your artwork here without credit, please eMail me and I’ll be glad to include credit for your work.
Special acknowledgment for artwork courtesy of and copyright by Alex Grey, who invites you to visit his online studio: www.alexgrey.com .
If you are new to starorchid.net, the easiest way to take your first steps with us is to listen to Li Lan’s radio interview about her work—and her many years of service.
Tools for the Next Step on the Ascension Path
– Book 1 –
Setting Your Spiritual Foundation
A Manual of Guided Meditations and Processes
Fourth Edition – March 2012
– Book 3 –
A Compendium of Karmic Releases
A Manual of Guided Karmic Release Processes
Second Edition – March 2008
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This picture embodies so much of how it feels when I join my Divine Mothers Group every night. I join in consciously before my sleep time and continue into my sleep. Many come and go but the group remains, constantly sending out Divine Unconditional Love, the Divine Mother’s Frequency.
Join us if you can / will…
You can focus specifically on a certain place where you feel more Love is needed (Haiti maybe, or Iraq, or Ruanda…) or wherever on Earth you feel drawn to. You can join in anytime, for as long as you want and leave whenever you are done. …complete as you want… The only thing we ask is that you do your cleansing practices first—then center your heart in Divine Unconditional Love.
Use this picture as a focus and see yourself gently entering the circle. Allow the flow of pure Divine Unconditional Love from your heart to join the group, directing the flow from your heart to the earth with your hands. You are welcome to join us at any time!
We look forward to seeing you in the Circle!
who have offered encouragement and support through the years.
Thanks and gratitude to all my teachers and guides … on all levels & dimensions!!!