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eShop: Viral Pandemic Module for Purification | Matrix Plus ( M+ ) | $ 40.–

Viral Pandemic Module - Purification ( M+ Module )

$ 40.–

Viral Pandemic Module for Purification ( M+ Module )

It is recommended that when you sense the first inkling / feeling that you are catching a cold or flu to ask your Higher-Self and all your bodies to immediately activate the Viral Pandemic Module for Purification, instead of waiting for the module to automatically activate in its usual 3-day cycle.

It is amazing on how many levels our bodies are affected by viruses.

I have tracked bits and pieces of viral information from ancient, past times that are still affecting us today!

Remember that the Viral Pandemic Module for Purification only deals with viruses: Not bacterial issues! One can have both viral and bacterial issues occurring at the same time.

Price includes download, installation and activation of this module.
The Viral Pandemic Module for Purification includes over 200 unique tasks & processes.
Appointment required, but available remotely while you sleep and by telephone / skype