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Setting your Spiritual Foundation – Introduction | Book 1

Tools for the Next Step on the Ascension Path

– Book 1 –

Setting Your Spiritual Foundation

Book 1: Setting your Spiritual Foundation

A Manual of Guided Meditations and Processes

Fourth Edition – March 2012

This first manual (of three) provides a spiritual foundation from which you, the reader, can progress and grow on your spiritual path—which no longer can be differentiated from everyday life. For most, their spiritual life and their everyday lives have merged.

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Originally written as a manual to accompany Li Lan’s workshops, chapters include topics on how to “Claim Your Power”, follow “Cosmic Etiquette” and practice “Spiritual Hygiene”. She takes the seeking student one step further by explaining how Spiritual Laws function, and why it is important to know how they work—and how to apply them in everyday life. The guided meditations and processes are designed so that the reader can follow them easily and are very powerful if done consistently.

As the energies and frequencies of our planet and our solar system rise exponentially to reach ascension levels and both Earth and her inhabitants—humanity—ascend, we will become

“The Materialization of Spirit and the Spiritualization of Matter”.

( I didn’t coin this, I’m just quoting it. )

There is / will no longer be a separation between what is spiritual and what is material, as there is / will be a fusion of the two.

Oneness instead of Duality.

This manual is still as important today, as it was when I first started to teach its content back in the 90’s. In fact it is more important now as the general population is awakening and planetary ascension draws closer.

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Manual 1:  Setting your Spiritual Foundation This 4th edition contains new material on the Inner-Child, along with practices for the Inner-Child and the body—to round out and complete this Manual.
